Distributes Malware or Unwanted File Download
Updated on 2024-06-23 08:08:39 (41 seconds ago)
Checked by Online Virus Scanner
This website is affiliated with the Russian Federation, a nation that initiated a military attack, thus committing a crime against humanity in the form of war against Ukraine for the past two years. Our company, Gridinsoft, is based in Ukraine.

The ongoing war has resulted in tragic losses, with our children, parents, and friends facing daily hardships due to the deliberate actions of the Russian military. Homes are being destroyed, and millions of our fellow citizens have been forced to leave their residences.

This is not a political statement but rather a heartfelt plea. We earnestly ask that you refrain from utilizing services provided by websites from Russia. We appeal to your sense of humanity—please avoid purchasing their products or engaging in business transactions with them.

It is critical to recognize that each individual's choices contribute to the financial resources available to the Russian Federation, which directly impacts its ability to sustain this war. Your conscientious decisions can play a role in promoting peace and stability in Ukraine.
Trust Score

What is is flagged as engaging in Malicious Distribution. This indicates that the domain is actively involved in distributing malicious content, such as malware and unwanted files, that can pose significant risks to users' devices and data.

It can deploy various forms of malware, including viruses, trojans, and ransomware. These malicious files can harm or compromise a user's device, leading to potential data breaches, loss of personal information, or damage to the device's functionality.

Visitors to may unknowingly download these harmful files, putting their devices and personal information at risk. Malicious distribution often occurs through deceptive tactics, such as disguising harmful files as legitimate software or leveraging vulnerabilities in users' systems.

You must exercise extreme caution when visiting this site, as the potential consequences of downloading and executing files from such a domain can be severe. Employing robust antivirus software, keeping software up to date, and practicing safe browsing habits are essential measures to mitigate the risks associated with domains involved in malicious distribution.

URL Checker

Distributes Malware or Unwanted File Download

Gridinsoft Anti-malware block the because it was clasified as distributes malware or unwanted file download. This domain was registered 4 years ago through the company Internet Domain Service BS Corp. and had the owner Whois Privacy Corp.. The contact email for complaint is [email protected] or by phone at +1.5163015301.

Entities in this category distribute malware or files that can harm or compromise a user's device or data. Malware includes viruses, trojans, and ransomware, and downloading such files can lead to data breaches, loss of personal information, or device damage.


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Domain Name
Registry Domain ID 2453082579_DOMAIN_NET-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server
Updated Date 2023-10-10T04:47:33Z
Creation Date 2019-11-09T06:03:13Z
Popularity747 353 -8 617 for the last 40 days
HostingAS211642 AdminVPS OOO (Moscow, RU)
Trust Score*41%
* The Trust Score is based on the ScamAdviser rating
and does not influence our rating. It is a second opinion.

How to block

Gridinsoft has the capability to block domain without requiring further user intervention.

  1. Start by downloading Gridinsoft Anti-Malware to your computer.
  2. Double-click on the gsam-en-install.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.
  3. Once the installation of Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is complete, the program will open on the Scan screen.
  4. Click on the "Standard Scan" button.
  5. After the scanning process is finished, click on "Clean Now" to remove any detected threats.
  6. If prompted, restart your system to complete the removal process.


If you wish to visit a blocked "" and exclude it from being blocked, you can add it to the exclusions list. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open Gridinsoft Anti-Malware;
  2. Click the Tools tab;
  3. Click the Ignore List;
  4. Click the Internet vertical tab and press "Add...";
  5. Enter "" and click Add button.

Now this domain should appear in your Ignore List.

Whois Record

Leave a comment*

Share your thoughts or insights about the "" website. Have you encountered any positive or negative experiences with it? Do you align with our conclusion?

*Your feedback could influence our rating, and rest assured, your email will remain confidential and will only be used to communicate with you if necessary.
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Gridinsoft Anti-Malware

Cure your PC from any kind of malware

GridinSoft Anti-Malware will help you to protect your computer from spyware, trojans, backdoors, rootkits. It cleans your system from annoying advertisement modules and other malicious stuff developed by hackers.

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware