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The Utilla.dll File Analysis

Updated on 2024-06-01 (3 months ago)
Checked by Online Virus Scanner
Online Virus Checker v.
DB Version: 2024-06-01 05:00:28

The Utilla.dll Is Suspicious

This file requires additional checking for potential threats. Based on suspicious indicators, we will soon add it to our virus database.

GameHack is associated with cheating or hacking in online games. The presence of this detection suggests the potential for unfair gameplay, as these tools can be used to manipulate game mechanics and give players an unfair advantage, which is considered unethical and against the terms of service of most online games.

File Utilla.dll
Checked 2024-06-01 02:19:36
Type Win32 DLL
Threat Gamehack
MD5 aba199c4ba8f396c2030b31c7b0bd5f4
SHA1 1e7e33933fcfedaa59c9627203265dfae555b517
SHA256 e03ebbc7834451911a60e63e866b5ad9fcb7ae44a634b9f3121492d7063b71ca
SHA512 5bfe1a89c61e8d22b8bbf4d64a3040326a2b88c1c4a6b577d9fc2b1053ddb0e8ecf4db1bf25588505d7916e452ee19a1c6ceeca495158e83765f303871f2a491
Imphash dae02f32a21e03ce65412f6e56942daa
File Size 30208 bytes
The Utilla.dll File Analysis - Download Now

Remember: This is Result of Online Virus Scanner

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware has a much more powerful virus scanning engine. We recommend using it for a more precise diagnosis of infected systems. This brief guide will help you install our flagship product for more accurate diagnostics:

  • Start by downloading Gridinsoft Anti-Malware to your computer.
  • Double-click on the gsam-en-install.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.
  • Once the installation of Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is complete, the program will open on the Scan screen.
  • Click on the "Standard Scan" button.
  • After the scanning process is finished, click on "Clean Now" to remove any detected threats.
  • If prompted, restart your system to complete the removal process.

File Version Information

Translation 0x0000 0x04b0
CompanyName Utilla
FileDescription Utilla
InternalName Utilla.dll
OriginalFilename Utilla.dll
ProductName Utilla
ProductVersion 1.0.0
Assembly Version

Portable Executable Info

Image Base: 0x10000000
Entry Point: 0x10008d82
Compilation: 2040-07-30 21:39:45
Checksum: 0x00000000 (Actual: 0x0000dc17)
OS Version: 4.0
PDB Path: C:\Users\Grayson\Desktop\Gorilla Tag Mods\Utilla-1.6.13\Utilla\obj\Debug\netstandard2.1\Utilla.pdb
PEiD: PE32 executable (DLL) (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows
Sign: The PE file does not contain a certificate table.
Sections: 3
Imports: mscoree,
Exports: 0
Resources: 1


Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Size MD5 Entropy
.text 0x00002000 0x00006d88 0x00006e00 a021f6c05b2bf8b9d02bf0a766dfb867 5.82
.rsrc 0x0000a000 0x00000308 0x00000400 f74f2385a3bcf512b50d7f246333416d 2.44
.reloc 0x0000c000 0x0000000c 0x00000200 254b54ac0601d9a60fb79ac65d1c2268 0.08

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