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The AntiMalwareInstaller File Analysis

Updated on 2025-02-19 (2 days ago)
Checked by Online Virus Scanner
Online Virus Checker v.
DB Version: 2025-02-19 03:00:28

The AntiMalwareInstaller Is Safe File

File setup-gridinsoft-fix.exe
Checked 2025-02-19 01:53:00
MD5 615283dd46e053f99e0ffadb63cf3708
SHA1 233b17becb7d784328cc7baa3d5c6f8589ddc079
SHA256 c58e9817069ca2da6d5330b911460d74bc66d51419e4a99e489fe392e4a6e7a3
SHA512 cbf97d054e0a50f948e7cdb47ad3591161517526cf6a38f2d31dc761c3f214218ce5479bf439d1f3bee9b21e693d29ffb72095071c4295b82c55a52952ce8e39
Imphash 0bfcdc47b4acb11b9c230d60ba199ed7
File Size 2335464 bytes
The AntiMalwareInstaller File Analysis - Download Now

Remember: This is Result of Online Virus Scanner

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware has a much more powerful virus scanning engine. We recommend using it for a more precise diagnosis of infected systems. This brief guide will help you install our flagship product for more accurate diagnostics:

  • Start by downloading Gridinsoft Anti-Malware to your computer.
  • Double-click on the gsam-en-install.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.
  • Once the installation of Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is complete, the program will open on the Scan screen.
  • Click on the "Standard Scan" button.
  • After the scanning process is finished, click on "Clean Now" to remove any detected threats.
  • If prompted, restart your system to complete the removal process.

File Version Information

ProductName Gridinsoft® Anti-Malware Web Installer
ProductVersion 4.1.0
CompanyName Gridinsoft LLC
LegalCopyright © Gridinsoft LLC, 2023
LegalTrademarks Gridinsoft®
InternalName AntiMalwareInstaller
OriginalFilename AntiMalwareInstaller.exe
FileDescription Anti-Malware Web Installer
Translation 0x0409 0x04b0

Portable Executable Info

Image Base: 0x00400000
Entry Point: 0x005e6990
Compilation: 2023-04-22 14:20:45
Checksum: 0x0023c59a (Actual: 0x0023c59a)
OS Version: 5.0
PEiD: PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows
Sign: OK
Sections: 10
Imports: Wininet, comctl32, shell32, user32, version, URLMON, oleaut32, advapi32, netapi32, msvcrt, kernel32, gdiplus, ole32, gdi32, ntdll,
Exports: 3
Resources: 50


Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Size MD5 Entropy
.text 0x00001000 0x001e3ef0 0x001e4000 45d083772a315572685f9780a2a58cdc 6.43
.itext 0x001e5000 0x00001a4c 0x00001c00 17967eeb086a48d5aa74804f09fb9b99 6.12
.data 0x001e7000 0x00009070 0x00009200 7ed21da8ada92e68c4a2b3d211f934b1 6.09
.bss 0x001f1000 0x00007058 0x00000000 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0.00
.idata 0x001f9000 0x00002f7c 0x00003000 154348f0d1e948ae4e72c0957abf93d3 5.21
.didata 0x001fc000 0x00000b76 0x00000c00 835f4d1b2b3b8f3db53fcddaf4302f06 4.29
.edata 0x001fd000 0x000000a6 0x00000200 81179ada9d7e632ed2564030832d93e7 2.02
.tls 0x001fe000 0x00000050 0x00000000 d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e 0.00
.rdata 0x001ff000 0x0000005d 0x00000200 5b62a18edb241ab9e5570c430cb0ae22 1.38
.rsrc 0x00200000 0x00042200 0x00042200 472c370b616bb018aafc89d11d04eb03 7.72

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GridinSoft Anti-Malware will help you to protect your computer from spyware, trojans, backdoors, rootkits. It cleans your system from annoying advertisement modules and other malicious stuff developed by hackers.

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware