Online Virus Checker | v. |
DB Version: | 2023-09-12 21:01:57 |
This is a generic detection name used to identify a potentially harmful or suspicious file or program that exhibits characteristics of a Trojan horse. It is malware that disguises itself as a legitimate or benign program but contains malicious code or functions.
File | TeslaBrowserInstaller |
Checked | 2023-09-12 19:55:20 |
MD5 | 39a1e5f688069ca7c5c8aebc30e5c405 |
SHA1 | 6a4b779d7a18bb44c91030f022e18d8f428e5f54 |
SHA256 | 52836873351ff7790866d301928650fa8285af44020252e0c9e0bd115c368f49 |
SHA512 | f0fa3e6b6bb57ea45728bf26e6d1497ca5fd81d53d2e6ed92edb061357ee5d70597d1b16dbc95dede1c6474943d3615148783a89e0190e03b83cad4068c65534 |
Imphash | aa4c893b294a63ceb25e56c3501772f3 |
File Size | 3031496 bytes |
Gridinsoft has the capability to identify and eliminate PUP.Gen.vl!c without requiring further user intervention.
GlobalSign Code Signing Root R45 | GlobalSign nv-sa (BE) |
GlobalSign GCC R45 EV CodeSigning CA 2020 | ROSTPAY LLC (RU) |
Verification | OK |
CompanyName | ROSTPAY LTD. |
FileDescription | Install TeslaBrowser |
InternalName | TeslaBrowserInstaller |
LegalCopyright | © ROSTPAY LTD. All rights reserved. |
OriginalFilename | TeslaBrowserInstaller.exe |
ProductName | TeslaBrowser |
FileVersion | 3.2.0 |
ProductVersion | 3.2.0 |
Translation | 0x0409 0x04b0 |
075e9d0c0955be0f6542d21c6cbbf0af e19a81730e445624a166d9bf4d28d0a3 8c3339f9e86f2d92 |
Image Base: | 0x00400000 |
Entry Point: | 0x0127a420 |
Compilation: | 2023-08-17 11:13:22 |
Checksum: | 0x002f3df7 (Actual: 0x002f3df7) |
OS Version: | 6.0 |
PEiD: | PE32 executable (GUI) Intel 80386, for MS Windows, UPX compressed |
Sign: | OK |
Sections: | 3 |
Imports: | ADVAPI32, bcrypt, COMCTL32, COMDLG32, CRYPT32, GDI32, KERNEL32, lzma, MSIMG32, ole32, OLEACC, OLEAUT32, RPCRT4, SHELL32, SHLWAPI, USER32, UxTheme, VERSION, WINSPOOL, WS2_32, |
Exports: | 0 |
Resources: | 37 |
Name | Virtual Address | Virtual Size | Raw Size | MD5 | Entropy |
UPX0 | 0x00001000 | 0x00bbc000 | 0x00000000 | d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e | 0.00 |
UPX1 | 0x00bbd000 | 0x002bf000 | 0x002be200 | 561a7bacd5938840225b1d3ffc16ffe4 | 8.00 |
.rsrc | 0x00e7c000 | 0x00024000 | 0x00023200 | 097292a1cd4b833fc729aabb9d2fa1ba | 6.03 |