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The MsMpEng.exe File Analysis

Updated on 2023-11-01 (1 year ago)
Checked by Online Virus Scanner
Online Virus Checker v.
DB Version: 2023-11-01 14:03:30

The MsMpEng.exe Is Safe File

File MsMpEng.exe
Checked 2023-11-01 12:42:31
MD5 ca2de21d04a42228b707abce64ebbc8b
SHA1 85536ad6afee43b728ed12ee8cffca41f74f6446
SHA256 2ccb6063389f3512be2ef169e236c7474380c542abd82b4b6bcaa8dee2e3dcbe
SHA512 4ac30b417f90157d641fc3c29b2da36b95128ead0d44bc9c9c5b5bddf4ee2576549fd8332d03762b4d9c4f615e194d82881b353278d2639998f0db83ea05ea81
Imphash e568a0358c31b8910dc7fff649d3fe0d
File Size 103384 bytes
The MsMpEng.exe File Analysis - Download Now

Remember: This is Result of Online Virus Scanner

Gridinsoft Anti-Malware has a much more powerful virus scanning engine. We recommend using it for a more precise diagnosis of infected systems. This brief guide will help you install our flagship product for more accurate diagnostics:

  • Start by downloading Gridinsoft Anti-Malware to your computer.
  • Double-click on the gsam-en-install.exe file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.
  • Once the installation of Gridinsoft Anti-Malware is complete, the program will open on the Scan screen.
  • Click on the "Standard Scan" button.
  • After the scanning process is finished, click on "Clean Now" to remove any detected threats.
  • If prompted, restart your system to complete the removal process.


Microsoft Windows Production PCA 2011 Microsoft Corporation (US)
Microsoft Root Certificate Authority 2010 Microsoft Corporation (US)
Verification OK

File Version Information

CompanyName Microsoft Corporation
FileDescription Antimalware Service Executable
FileVersion 4.18.1909.6 (WinBuild.160101.0800)
InternalName MsMpEng.exe
LegalCopyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
OriginalFilename MsMpEng.exe
ProductName Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
ProductVersion 4.18.1909.6
Translation 0x0409 0x04b0

Portable Executable Info

Image Base: 0x140000000
Entry Point: 0x14000b650
Compilation: 1993-01-18 16:54:13
Checksum: 0x00027311 (Actual: 0x00027311)
OS Version: 10.0
PDB Path: MsMpEng.pdb
PEiD: PE32+ executable (GUI) x86-64, for MS Windows
Sign: OK
Sections: 6
Imports: ADVAPI32, KERNEL32, api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0, api-ms-win-core-winrt-l1-1-0, ntdll, api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0, api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0, api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0, api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0, api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0, CRYPT32, WINTRUST,
Exports: 0
Resources: 2


Name Virtual Address Virtual Size Raw Size MD5 Entropy
.text 0x00001000 0x0000e482 0x0000e600 68f82f39fef09efc8465e570e3715486 6.30
.rdata 0x00010000 0x0000590e 0x00005a00 7a67d4b2b181c2d33ff4093335bfcf2f 4.16
.data 0x00016000 0x00001528 0x00000c00 c3319475d4b4077f1f464aaa353ebde9 3.98
.pdata 0x00018000 0x00000f60 0x00001000 7dbb6118a0fb00c2c09cc948ff4cc273 4.80
.rsrc 0x00019000 0x00000a18 0x00000c00 2f6c73e20c4d4b3c917915803ed764c3 4.37
.reloc 0x0001a000 0x00000160 0x00000200 10bb397bec7f40cd6eb205a2d338c0e3 4.02

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