Gridinsoft Anti-Malware does not block This domain was registered 4 years ago through the company AMEN / Agence des Médias Numériques and had the owner Ano Nymous. Complaint contact not found.
Also, this domain has been active for a significant amount of time, which is a good indicator and can reflect the trustworthiness of
According to data from an independent source (Scamadviser), this website has a high trust score, meaning that is generally considered trustworthy and reliable based on various factors such as user feedback, security measures, and overall reputation.
Content | FranceVerif - 1er détecteur d'arnaques e-commerceFranceVerif analyse les sites e-commerce afin de détecter toute arnaque possible, et ce en analysant des dizaines de critères différents récoltés partout sur internet afin de prédire si un site e-commerce est une arnaque ou pas, et si le consommateur peut acheter en toute confiance. |
What We Found | Established Domain High Trust Score |
domain | |
status | ACTIVE |
eppstatus | active |
hold | NO |
holder-c | ANO00-FRNIC |
Popularity | 124 993 -72 260 for the last 40 days |
IP | |
Hosting | AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc. (San Francisco, US) |
Trust Score | 100% |
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