is a website that provides a collection of retro video game ROMs for various consoles such as PlayStation, Game Boy, Sega Genesis, and more. Users can download these ROMs to play on emulators or backup their physical copies of games.
Gridinsoft Anti-Malware does not block This domain was registered 6 years ago through the company Namesilo, LLC and had the owner See The contact email for complaint is [email protected] or by phone at +1.4805240066.
Our analyzer was unable to retrieve the contents of the This could be due to the website being down, using protection against automated access (such as bot protection), or deliberately hiding its content for some reason. This can be a red flag, especially if the website is new or not widely known. We recommend proceeding with caution when dealing with such websites.
We have found that has a large number of visitors, indicating its popularity and high traffic. This can be a positive signal, suggesting user trust and active use of the resource.
Also, this domain has been active for a significant amount of time, which is a good indicator and can reflect the trustworthiness of
According to data from an independent source (Scamadviser), this website has a high trust score, meaning that is generally considered trustworthy and reliable based on various factors such as user feedback, security measures, and overall reputation.
Owner | CDRomance |
What We Found | retro games ROMs ISOs gaming consoles No Access Popular Site Established Domain High Trust Score |
Reputation Score | 95 points * |
Domain Name | |
Registry Domain ID | fc4129046bf14c10ba221ee41e96c3ad-LROR |
Registrar WHOIS Server | |
Registrar URL | |
Updated Date | 2024-02-09T14:50:00Z |
Popularity | 9 053 +159 for the last 41 days |
IP | |
Hosting | AS13335 Cloudflare, Inc. (San Francisco, US) |
CDRomance is a website that provides a collection of retro video game ROMs and ISOs for various gaming consoles.
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