News, Tips, Security Lab

Mass outage of Microsoft services

Change in the IP Address of the Router Caused a Massive Outage of Microsoft Services

Last week, Microsoft 365 services around the world suffered a major outage that lasted about five hours. As the company…

Microsoft Will Block Excel XLL Files Downloaded from the Internet

Microsoft developers are going to block some Excel add-in (.XLL) files for Microsoft 365. The new measures will include automatic…

Ransomware Revenues Dropped by 40% because Victims Refuse to pay

Ransomware revenue (from ransomware attacks) has fallen from $765.6 million in 2021 to $456.8 million in 2022, according to Chainalysis…

Cybersecurity Specialists Advise Players Not to Enter Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online due to a Dangerous Bug

Players of the PC version of Grand Theft Auto (GTA) Online are alarming as a vulnerability has been discovered in…

Attackers Can Use GitHub Codespaces to Host and Deliver Malware

Trend Micro reports that the GitHub Codespaces cloud development environment, available to the public use since November 2022, can be…

Cellmate men's chastity belts

Extortionists hack into Cellmate men’s chastity belts

Last fall, researchers from Pen Test Partners reported on the insecurity of extremely unusual gadgets – Cellmate men’s chastity belts, manufactured by the Chinese company Qiui. Then analysts wrote that…

Nissan source code leaked

Nissan source code leaked due to admin: admin credentials

The source code for mobile apps and internal tools for Nissan’s North American division has leaked. The leak was due to the fact that the specialists of the automaker incorrectly…

Storming of the US Congress and cybersecurity

Storming of the US Congress poses a serious threat to cybersecurity

Storming of the US Congress in Washington, in addition to political consequences, may pose a cybersecurity threat, experts say. On Wednesday, January 6, supporters of Donald Trump stormed the Capitol…

Researcher discovered vulnerability in Telegram

Researcher discovered vulnerability in Telegram, which allows to locate user

The researcher discovered a vulnerability in Telegram. The fact is that the messenger provides users with the “People Nearby” function, thanks to which it is possible to determine the location…

Windows 7 users

Millions of Windows 7 users refuse to upgrade to Windows 10

In early 2020, Microsoft officially ended support for the Windows 7 operating system. However, millions of Windows 7 users refuse to upgrade to Windows 10. Prior to the end of…

Nintendo spied on console hacker

Nintendo spied on a hacker who prepared attack on the 3DS console

The TorrentFreak magazine reported about leaked documents that shed light on how a few years ago Nintendo arranged a large-scale surveillance of the hacker who prepared attack on the 3DS…

Ransomware trends in 2021

Ransomware Trends at the Edge of 2021

Ransomware is considered as one of the most dangerous viruses. Companies are afraid of losing their data, so they try to do their best, spending a lot of money on…

SolarWinds hackers cloud resources

Microsoft says SolarWinds hackers hunted for access to cloud resources

Microsoft continues to investigate the supply chain attack that SolarWinds and its customers have suffered this year. Microsoft analysts reported that SolarWinds hackers were hunting for access to cloud resources.…

web skimmer in Shopify stores

New web skimmer found in Shopify, BigCommerce, Woocommerce and Zencart stores

Sansec experts have discovered a new multi-platform MageCart skimmer capable of stealing payment information from compromised stores. The web skimmer works in Shopify, BigCommerce, Zencart and Woocommerce stores (even if…

The researcher earned 2000000 on HackerOne

Researcher Earned More than $ 2000000 on HackerOne

HackerOne representatives said that Romanian cybersecurity specialist Cosmin Iordach (@inhibitor181) became the first researcher in the history of the project, who earned more than $ 2000000 from bug bounty. He…

US Treasury Department Mailboxes

SolarWinds hack allowed Russian attackers to infiltrated dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes

US Senator Ron Wyden, a member of the US Senate Finance Committee, said that hackers, standing behind the SolarWinds hack, compromised dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes. The statement came…

MitM certificate of the Kazakhstan

Apple, Google, Microsoft and Mozilla block MitM certificate of the Kazakhstan government

In early December, Kazakhstan authorities for the third time attempted to intercept all traffic of the users, including secure HTTPS connections. However, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla responded by blocking…