News, Tips, Security Lab

BlackLotus UEFI bootkit

Microsoft Told How to Detect the Installation of the BlackLotus UEFI Bootkit

Microsoft has shared a guide to help organizations detect the installation of the BlackLotus UEFI bootkit that exploits the CVE-2022-21894…

Vulnerability Found in Twitter Code That Provokes a “Shadowban” of the Victim

Recently, Twitter fulfilled a promise made by Elon Musk and published on GitHub the source code of its recommender algorithm,…

Strange Enthusiasts Asked ChaosGPT to Destroy Humanity and Establish World Domination

Enthusiasts launched the ChaosGPT project, based on the open-source Auto-GPT, and AI was given access to Google and asked to…

MSMQ Vulnerability Allows Remote Code Execution

Recent update released by Microsoft, an April Patch Tuesday, revealed a severe vulnerability in Microsoft Message Queueing mechanism. That vulnerability…

Hackers Infect eFile Tax Filing Service with Malware

The eFile service, used by many Americans to file their tax returns and authorized by the US Internal Revenue Service…

Attackers deceived the notarization process

Attackers again deceived Apple’s notarization process

In September 2020, I talked about how the Shlayer malware…

New malware T-RAT

New T-RAT malware can be controlled via Telegram

G DATA’s specialists have published a report on the new…

browsers are vulnerable to url spoofing

Experts discovered that many mobile browsers are vulnerable to url spoofing

Rapid7 analysts and independent information security expert Rafay Baloch discovered…

Chrome 0-day vulnerability

Google engineers fixed Chrome 0-day vulnerability that was already under attacks

Google engineers have released an updated version of Google Chrome…

Bughunter stole Monero exploit

Bughunter stole a Monero exploit from another cybersecurity specialist and received a reward for it

Bleeping Computer reporters drew attention to an interesting case that…

P2P botnet Interplanetary Storm

P2P botnet Interplanetary Storm accounts more than 9000 devices

Bitdefender experts gave a detailed description of the work of…

the most powerful DDoS attack

Google revealed the most powerful DDoS attack in history

This week, the Google Cloud team talked about a previously…

Dangerous Bluetooth bugs in Linux

Google and Intel experts warn of dangerous Bluetooth bugs in Linux

Google and Intel engineers warn of dangerous Bluetooth bugs that…

Hackers use open source tools

Hackers are increasingly using open source tools for attacks

Speaking at the Virus Bulletin conference, Intezer Labs analysts said…

Malicious Windows Update client

Attackers can use Windows Update client to execute malicious code

Hackers can exploit Windows Update client to execute malicious code…

Five Eyes India and Japan

Five Eyes Alliance, India and Japan Call for Backdoors in Software

Countries participating in the Five Eyes Alliance (which brings together…

MalLocker ransomware tricks Russians

MalLocker ransomware easily tricks Russians, pretending to be a screen lock from the police

Microsoft experts talked about the new Android ransomware AndroidOS/MalLocker. (hereinafter…