Softonic is a popular website that offers various software for downloading, in both free and paid versions. With it appearing on top of search results, users may think of it as a legit source of different programs. However, deeper research reveals quite worrying facts. But is Softonic safe to use? Can it spread viruses? Let me explain in this article.
What is Softonic?
For ones who are only vaguely familiar with Softonic, it is a large software library website; think of it as an application market, but in a web format and for PC. This website started long ago, and officially partners with software developers, helping them to promote and spread their programs.
Together with the official version, the site may offer cheaper license options from various sources. In this case, they team up with other online services that seek for discounts, game accounts available for sale, and so on. This conjunction of official and wallet friendly options is what gave the website its popularity, yet also raised quite a few questions about the legality.
Is Softonic Safe to Use?
The short answer for that question is yes, it is mostly safe, as there are almost no risky applications offered on this platform. Pirated programs, keygens or activators of different sorts, that typically serve as a source for malware, are excluded as a class here. But deeper research reveals a few points that made me concerned about ethical and legal aspect of the question.
Excessive Advertising
Softonic website is quite literally flooded with advertisements. While it is not an unheard practice, and one can easily name a handful of other legit sites that have the same problem, the situation with Softonic is different.

In ad placement and info sharing, it uses both Google Ads and other, “alternative” ad networks, with some of them being recognized as quite clearly unwanted. To put it simply, data about you and actions you did on the website will end up in the hands of shady actors. It is not always a beginning of a bad story, yet it is better to avoid trying your luck with such questionable characters all together.

Dangers that ads on Softonic can pose typically range from unwanted applications to adware and browser hijackers. Nothing too serious, but I’m pretty sure no one will like seeing their browser overfilled with ads and running a strange starting page.
Bundled software distribution and copyright violations
Softonic goes further with its dodgy monetization practices by pushing bundled software together with the program you download. This is particularly the case when we talk about free programs and apps that are no longer supported by their developers. The site even got into a public argument with a community of free game developers for continuing to offer the game packed with bundled apps even after the game itself was shut down.

As you may guess, revenue from each installed bundled application goes into their pockets. Same as in the case of on-site ads, there is little to no control over what exactly is promoted, meaning that there is a high chance of getting an unwanted program installed along with the desired program.
Questionable Discount Offers
Almost all the discounts that Softonic offers for its users come from strange websites that specialize on selling software license keys for cheap. While it may look like a type of legit business, it may also be a part of black market network related to money laundering. Stolen or otherwise illegally acquired funds are getting “washed clean” by purchasing software and getting it sold at a discounted price. Alternatively, these licenses may be leaked following the spyware/infostealer attack, in which case its cost for the reseller is effectively 0.

Sure enough, not all cheaper offers are about some dodgy activity, but this is what backs the majority of such offers. Buying software for cheap from the discounter shop that shares no info about how did they get such a deal eventually turns into sponsoring the future shady activity. Some of them say about re-selling “used licenses”, yet there is no evidence of them being pre-owned.
Also, it is possible to have issues while purchasing the game or program, and there will be little to no remedy. There may be payment issues and delays; digital license keys may not work or the offered software may miss your expectations. When buying from a developer, you will get such problems sorted in the matter of minutes with the help of tech support. Yet I personally question the quality and availability of support on those third-party reseller websites.
Can I use Softonic to download programs?
Yes, you can. At the end of the day, even with all the said quirks in mind, Softonic is a totally normal software library that offers (mostly) safe and legit software. If you are desperate for getting a specific piece of software at a lower price, this may be a good place to search in.
Yet my recommendation will be to stick to the source, i.e. purchase programs at the websites of their respective developers. This way, you ensure that no ad injection or shady money manipulations happen in the background. I will also recommend using a strong anti-malware solution – to eliminate any risks related to the software from unofficial sources.
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This artice explains the safety of using softonic and It can be helpful if you’re not sure about the safety of the site