Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection Error

"Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection" appears when something went wrong with security settings of the page or your web browser

The “Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection” error message appears when browsing the web on a Mac. It may be met by anyone during their daily routine browsing. These messages often state that Safari has been unable to connect to the server securely. There are multiple reasons why many people encounter this error message in… Continue reading Safari Can’t Establish a Secure Connection Error

Most Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks

Social Engineering Attacks can bring massive profits

Intruders are developing more and more methods to get what they want. Social engineering is one of the most common methods through which fraudsters manage to deceive the user, manipulate him, and instill his fear and urgency. Once the victim is emotional, the fraudsters begin to cloud her judgment. Any human error is a vulnerability… Continue reading Most Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks

Common Cryptocurrency Scams and Frauds: How to Avoid

Fraudsters never cease to amaze with their ingenuity. Cryptocurrency scams can take many forms. They even go so far as to enter into fake relationships through dating apps.

Fraudsters do not stand still and are always looking for new ways to steal money. Unfortunately, the massive growth of cryptocurrency in recent years has created the perfect ground for it. According to Chainalysis, cryptocurrency crime in 2021 was a record year, with fraudsters stealing $14 billion worth of cryptocurrency this year alone. So if… Continue reading Common Cryptocurrency Scams and Frauds: How to Avoid

Top Working Antispyware Tips 2022

These days, the hazard of getting your personal data stolen by spyware is very high

The user risks being compromised by using the Internet. The intruders are still trying to hijack your confidential data and credit card numbers, distribute spyware, and the like. With each passing day, their penetration methods into your OS are becoming more sophisticated, which is something to watch out for. Spyware is one of those ways… Continue reading Top Working Antispyware Tips 2022

All About Hacker Motivation: Why Do Hackers Hack?

Cybercriminals attack websites and blogs daily. But for what?

Usually, hackers hack for monetary gain. However, there are less apparent reasons lurking beneath the surface. But knowledge of technology is not enough to be a successful hacker. You also need to know how to monetize your hacking skills without getting caught. It would help if you had a hacking motivation. But why would a… Continue reading All About Hacker Motivation: Why Do Hackers Hack?

Hidden Scams: Could QR Code Actually Be a Phishing Attack?

Well-known and trusted QR-codes can still pose a threat

Although QR codes have been around for more than 25 years, their use in everyday life has increased dramatically since the pandemic began. But is it always safe to scan them? We hardly think twice about scanning a QR code in a restaurant to view a menu or pay for food. But scammers have begun… Continue reading Hidden Scams: Could QR Code Actually Be a Phishing Attack?

Remote working tips: Key Aspects of Secure Remote Access

Making the remote work process safe is vital for everyone

After the pandemic, work-from-home jobs became much more common around the world. Many predict that even after the pandemic subsides, remote work will remain prevalent in many sectors. On the one hand, working remotely from home is convenient. It has many benefits, but on the other hand, it also exposes individuals and businesses to various… Continue reading Remote working tips: Key Aspects of Secure Remote Access

8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips

Internet safety is a very important part of our lives these days

There is a lot of entertainment available online, along with education and social media. However, not everyone understands how the Internet works,and knows something about methods of safe usage. This article introduces some great tips to keep your Internet safety well in your daily things. What is Internet Safety? Internet safety and data protection is… Continue reading 8 Top Internet Safety Rules: Cybersecurity Tips

5 Security Mistakes You’re Making On Social Media

Leading digital life on various social media platforms can sometimes be a challenging task. And the challenges come not only from the efforts of maintaining presentable digital selves. It is also about ensuring your cyber security well-being is properly attended to as well. Social media has become a major phenomenon in today’s world. They allow… Continue reading 5 Security Mistakes You’re Making On Social Media

8 Symptoms Of Adware: How to Avoid it

What is adware meaning? It is an agressive software whose goal is to collect marketing information about the user loading them with an avalanche of advertisements, often in the form of pop-ups, text links, or banners. Users may download this kind of program unknowingly when it comes in a bundle with other software package users… Continue reading 8 Symptoms Of Adware: How to Avoid it