The Security Blog From Gridinsoft

SRLabs Releases Free Black Basta Ransomware Decryptor

Black Basta Ransomware Free Decryptor Available

SRLabs researchers published a free decryptor for BlackBasta ransomware. They discovered the vulnerability in the way malware handles the encryption…

Seven Common Types of Malware – Analysis & Description

In the intricate landscape of cybersecurity, comprehending the various forms of malware is crucial. This article offers an in-depth look…

DLL Search Order Hijacking Technique Bypasses Protection

A new DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Search Order Hijacking variant emerged. This method capitalizes on executables in the trusted WinSxS…

Microsoft Disables MSIX App Installer Protocol

Microsoft reportedly disabled MSIX installer protocol in Windows, due to its exploitation in real-world cyberattacks. Hackers found a way to…

Novice Rugmi Loader Delivers Various Spyware

The threat landscape meets a new player – Rugmi Loader. This threat specializes in spreading spyware, and is in fact…

Malvertising in Google Search ads - What is That?

Google Search Malvertising: Fake Ads of Free Programs in Google Ads

Google Search malvertising is an unpleasant phenomenon of malicious advertisements…

access to OpenAI ChatGPT

Russian Cybercriminals Seek Access to OpenAI ChatGPT

Check Point analysts have noticed that Russian-speaking hacker forums are…

Goose Goose Duck

Goose Goose Duck Game Servers Are DDoS-Attacked Every Day

The free social detective Goose Goose Duck, which recently broke…

vulnerabilities in WordPress plugins

Exploits for Vulnerabilities in Three Popular WordPress Plugins Appeared on the Network

Three popular WordPress plugins, with tens of thousands of active…

AI VALL-E from Microsoft

Microsoft’s VALL-E AI Is Able to Imitate a Human Voice in a Three-Second Pattern

Microsoft engineers have introduced an AI (artificial intelligence) model for…

Hackers bypass CAPTCHA

Hackers Bypass CAPTCHA on GitHub to Automate Account Creation

The South African hack group Automated Libra is looking for…

Slack repositories on GitHub

Hackers compromised Slack private GitHub repositories

On December 31, while everyone was celebrating the New Year,…

Windows 7 ESU Cancelled

Windows 7 Extended Security Update Program cancelled

On January 8, 2023, Microsoft announced the cancellation of the…

to eavesdrop on Android devices

Android Devices Can Be Monitored Using Motion Sensors

A group of scientists from five American universities has developed…

Hackers use Excel add-ins

Hackers Use Excel Add-Ins as Initial Penetration Vector

Cisco Talos analysts say that hackers are now using Excel…

Hackers abuse Google Ads

Hackers Are Misusing Google Ads to Spread Malware

Malware operators and other hackers are increasingly abusing Google Ads…

Hackers stole data from LastPass

Hackers Stole Data from the LastPass Use Password Vault

LastPass password manager developers have reported that hackers who recently…

AI Assistant

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