Tips & Tricks Scam Virus Alert - Fix Guide is a selection of pages registered on genuine Microsoft hosting, that try scaring the user by false malware infection…


Trojan:Win64/Zusy.CZ!MTB is a detection of Microsoft Defender that can flag several different types of malware. Being a heuristic detection, it…

URL:Blacklist (Avast)

URL:Blacklist is a name of detection that several antivirus programs use to flag a dangerous site being blocked. It typically…

Personal Data vs. Sensitive Data: What is the Difference?

People often confuse personal data and sensitive data. But what exactly is the difference between them? What makes data sensitive,…

Data Breach vs Data Leaks: Differences

The terms “data breach” and “data leaks” are often used interchangeably, but they are not same enough for this to…

How to protect your personal data?

10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data

The first hacking attacks and the realization of the danger…

What is AdvancedWindowManager?

Advanced Window Manager

Advanced Window Manager is a potentially unwanted software that floods…

What is PUABundler:Win32/MemuPlay?


PUABundler:Win32/MemuPlay is a detection of the MemuPlay program that, when…

Remote Access Trojan featured image

Remote Access Trojan (RAT)

Remote Access Trojan is software that allows unauthorized access to…

What is PUADIManager:Win32/Sepdot detection? PUA Analysis


PUADLManager:Win32/Sepdot is a potentially unwanted application that installs additional software.…

Netflix Scam Email: Top Netflix Scams 2022 (Phishing Texts, Emails)

Trending Netflix Scam Email You Should Know

These days, phishing Netflix scam email are gaining momentum because…

How to Check If Your Computer Has a Virus

11 Signs If Your Computer Has A Virus

Something seems off with your device, and you have a…

Top Amazon Scams: Safe Shopping at Amazon

Top Amazon Scams to Avoid

Because of its reliability, Amazon is a popular choice for…

Facebook Frauds List - How to Avoid Frauds?

Facebook Fraud: Other Dangerous Facebook Scams

Facebook is probably one of the most popular platforms for…

What is Scareware

Scareware: How to Identify, Prevent and Remove It

Scareware is a widespread Internet fraud scheme that intimidates victims…

Dangerous Paypal Scams: How To Protect Yourself from PayPal Email Scams

Paypal Scams: Most Dangerous Examples

PayPal has a reputation for being a safe and easy…

10 Top Cash App Scams You Should Know About

Top 10 Cash App Scams

Protect yourself from Cash App scams by knowing how to…

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