
Trojan:Script/Phonzy.B!ml is a nasty thing, but we'll help you get rid of it

Trojan:Script/Phonzy.B!ml is a generic detection name used by Microsoft Defender. This type of malware is categorized as a loader as it mainly aims at delivering malicious payloads onto infected systems. Throughout hundreds of infection cases, Phonzy trojan was noticed to often deliver banking trojans. Trojan:Script/Phonzy.B!ml Overview Trojan:Script/Phonzy.B!ml is a generic detection name that Windows Defender… Continue reading Trojan:Script/Phonzy.B!ml

Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock – What is That Detection?

Windows Defender detects the file as Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock? Let's find out why

Windows Defender’s mass detections of Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock worries people. Are the user files complained about by Defender malicious? Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock Microsoft Defender Detection Recently, users have been actively discussing on thematic forums on the network about Windows Defender triggering on files that, according to the Defender, are Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock. According to users, the detected file may be a… Continue reading Trojan:Win32/Randet.A!plock – What is That Detection?

Microsoft patches 117 vulnerabilities, including 9 zero-day vulnerabilities

As part of July Patch Tuesday, Microsoft fixed (released patches) for 117 vulnerabilities, of which 13 were classified as critical. That is, the July set of patches is twice as large as the May and June “Patch Tuesday” combined. This time, bugs were fixed in products such as Microsoft Office, SharePoint, Excel, Microsoft Exchange Server,… Continue reading Microsoft patches 117 vulnerabilities, including 9 zero-day vulnerabilities

Hackers Bypass Firewalls Using Windows Feature

Hackers now bypass firewalls using a legitimate component of the Windows operating system called Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS), installing malware into it. In 2020, hospitals, medical centres and nursing homes suffered from an ever-changing phishing campaign that spread the KEGTAP backdoor, which opened the way for Ryuk ransomware attacks. FireEye Mandiant recently discovered a… Continue reading Hackers Bypass Firewalls Using Windows Feature

On June “Patch Tuesday” Microsoft fixed 129 vulnerabilities in its products

“Patch Tuesday” this month became the largest in the history of Microsoft: were fixed at once 129 vulnerabilities. March 2020 with 115 corrections is in second place, and 113 corrections in April 2020 arein a third place. 100 absolutely “ridiculous” Microsoft patches were presented in February “Patch Tuesday”, but among them was the sensational 0-day… Continue reading On June “Patch Tuesday” Microsoft fixed 129 vulnerabilities in its products