Microsoft CVE-2023-36884 Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

Microsoft found a remote code execution vulnerability CVE-2023-36884

On July 11, 2023, Microsoft published an article about addressing the CVE-2023-36884 vulnerability. This breach allowed for remote code execution in Office and Windows HTML. Microsoft has acknowledged a targeted attack that exploits a vulnerability using specifically designed Microsoft Office documents. The attacker can gain control of a victim’s computer by creating a malicious Office… Continue reading Microsoft CVE-2023-36884 Vulnerability Exploited in the Wild

One Year of Russian-Ukrainian War in Cybersecurity

Ukraine has faced more cyber attacks in a year of war with Russia than ever before.

February 24, 2022, will be a turning point in history. It was the day of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine and the most significant geopolitical event of the past year. This war was, without exaggeration, the bloodiest military conflict in Europe in decades. However, it is the first major hybrid war that uses cyberspace… Continue reading One Year of Russian-Ukrainian War in Cybersecurity

Hacker Group XDSpy Distributes Malware in Russia under the Guise of Subpoenas for the Army

In early October, Kaspersky Lab experts recorded a targeted attack on Russian organizations: attackers from the XDSpy hacker group sent several hundred malicious emails allegedly related to the topic of the so-called “partial mobilization”. Recall that dictator Vladimir Putin in September announced the mobilization into the armed forces of Russia against the backdrop of a… Continue reading Hacker Group XDSpy Distributes Malware in Russia under the Guise of Subpoenas for the Army

Russian Organizations Under Attack By Chinese APTs

Chinese APTs Increasingly Target Russian Organizations

Unveiling a recent cyber saga, the experts at SentinelLabs have unearthed a menacing digital force, strategically honing in on Russian organizations. In their detective work, they’ve traced the sinister trail back to the notorious Chinese APT group, a revelation corroborated by the vigilant eyes at Ukraine CERT (CERT-UA). The plot thickens as the adversaries deploy… Continue reading Russian Organizations Under Attack By Chinese APTs

Anonymous hackers published the mail database of the Ministry of Culture of Russia

The media discovered that Anonymous hackers had made public a database of emails from the Russian Ministry of Culture, the administration of the city of Blagoveshchensk, and the office of the governor of the Tver region. The total size of the dump exceeded 700 GB. According to Kommersant, in the leaked documents you can find… Continue reading Anonymous hackers published the mail database of the Ministry of Culture of Russia

The US won’t cooperate with Russia on ransomware anymore

The US won’t cooperate with Russia on ransomware anymore

The US suspends its cooperation with Russia on ransomware criminals amidst the brutal war the Russian government wages against Ukraine, State Department spokesperson told Sputnik. “The Russian government is engaged in a brutal and unjustified war against Ukraine, so our channel on criminal ransomware actors is not active,” the spokesperson said. On Thursday White House… Continue reading The US won’t cooperate with Russia on ransomware anymore

Russian Aviation agency switched to paper documents due to a hacker attack

The media, citing their own sources, report that at the end of last week, Russian Aviation agency suffered from a hacker attack, after which 65 TB of data was erased and it was necessary to temporarily switch to paper workflow. The Aviatorshchina Telegram channel was the first to report the attack, which wrote that as… Continue reading Russian Aviation agency switched to paper documents due to a hacker attack

Most likely russian hackers defaced Ukrainian government websites

Hackers defaced several Ukrainian government websites: the attack occurred on the night of January 13-14 and affected the websites of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Defense, the State Emergency Service, the website of the Cabinet of Ministers, and so on. The Record notes that all resources have… Continue reading Most likely russian hackers defaced Ukrainian government websites

The head of the Group-IB arrested, searches were carried out in the company’s office

Today, September 29, 2021, the media reported that yesterday the founder and head of the Russian Internet security company Group-IB, Ilya Sachkov, was arrested for two months on suspicion of treason. A little later, Anastasia Romanova, press secretary of the Lefortovo court in Moscow, confirmed this information: It must be said that the punishment under… Continue reading The head of the Group-IB arrested, searches were carried out in the company’s office

SolarWinds hack allowed Russian attackers to infiltrated dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes

US Senator Ron Wyden, a member of the US Senate Finance Committee, said that hackers, standing behind the SolarWinds hack, compromised dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes. The statement came after the Treasury Department and the IRS held a briefing with committee members regarding the attack on SolarWinds. While has yet been found no evidence… Continue reading SolarWinds hack allowed Russian attackers to infiltrated dozens of US Treasury Department mailboxes