BlackMatter ransomware attacked American farmers from NEW Cooperative

The BlackMatter ransomware attacked the American farmers organization NEW Cooperative, which produces feed and grain, as well as works in the fields of agronomy, energy and software for farmers. The hackers demanded $5.9 million for the decryptor, and said the amount would rise to $ 11.8 million if the ransom was not paid within five… Continue reading BlackMatter ransomware attacked American farmers from NEW Cooperative

REvil ransomware resumed attacks

Last week, the infrastructure of REvil (Sodinokibi) returned online after months of downtime, and now the ransomware has resumed attacks. The fact is that in July 2021, the hack group went offline without giving any reason. Then it was a question of shutting down an entire network of conventional and darknet sites that were used… Continue reading REvil ransomware resumed attacks

Servers of the hack group REvil are back online

In July 2021, the infrastructure of REvil (Sodinokibi) was turned off without explanation, but now the information security specialists have noticed that the REvil servers are back online. It was about a whole network of conventional and darknet sites that were used to negotiate a ransom, leak data stolen from victims, as well as the… Continue reading Servers of the hack group REvil are back online

LockFile ransomware adopts ProxyShell and PetitPotam vulnerabilities

The new LockFile ransomware exploits recently discovered ProxyShell and PetitPotam vulnerabilities to increase its chances of hacking and encrypting corporate networks. Experts from TG Soft and well-known information security researcher Kevin Beaumont reported about the new threat. They write that LockFile operators are using recently discovered vulnerabilities, collectively known as ProxyShell, to attack Microsoft Exchange… Continue reading LockFile ransomware adopts ProxyShell and PetitPotam vulnerabilities

RansomEXX ransomware attacked Gigabyte

RansomEXX ransomware operators attacked a large Taiwanese computer hardware manufacturer Gigabyte. The hackers are currently threatening to release more than 112GB of data stolen from the company if it does not pay the ransom. The attack took place in the middle of last week and forced the company to partially shut down Taiwanese systems. The… Continue reading RansomEXX ransomware attacked Gigabyte

The new BlackMatter ransomware was created by the authors of recently “closed” DarkSide

Last week, experts noticed the emergence of a new ransomware BlackMatter, which combines the “best” features of the now defunct DarkSide and REvil. In particular, the analysts of Recorded Future wrote that the new group could be associated with DarkSide, which ceased operations in May of this year, after the scandalous attack on the Colonial… Continue reading The new BlackMatter ransomware was created by the authors of recently “closed” DarkSide

BlackMatter ransomware attacks companies with revenues above $100 million

Recorded Future analysts have discovered a new hack group accompanying the BlackMatter ransomware that attacks large companies and combines the “best” features of the now defunct DarkSide and REvil. Researchers say the group is currently recruiting “partners” through announcements on hacker forums Exploit and XSS. Although any advertising related to ransomware has been banned on… Continue reading BlackMatter ransomware attacks companies with revenues above $100 million

The Ransomwhere project creates a database of ransomware payments

Jack Cable, Stanford’s student and Krebs Stamos Group cybersecurity researcher created the Ransomwhere project that is free and open database of payments that have been transferred to various ransomware hack groups. This database, devoid of any personal information, will be available to information security specialists and law enforcement officers for free download. Unfortunately, such a… Continue reading The Ransomwhere project creates a database of ransomware payments

Babuk Locker ransomware builder leaked into the network

The Babuk Locker ransomware builder has appeared in the public domain. With its help anyone can design its own ransomware, the well-known information security expert Kevin Beaumont said on Twitter. The malware is already uploaded to VirusTotal. The Record, which has already studied this leak, reports that the Babuk Locker builder can be used to… Continue reading Babuk Locker ransomware builder leaked into the network

Clop ransomware continues to work even after a series of arrests

The media reported that Clop ransomware continues to work: its operators have again begun posting data stolen from victims on their website. The fact is that last week, as a result of a joint operation carried out with the assistance and coordination of Interpol by the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, South Korea and the… Continue reading Clop ransomware continues to work even after a series of arrests