Mandiant Account in X Hacked to Spread Cryptocurrency Scams

Cybersecurity company Mandiant, Google's subsidiary, got its X account hacked

The Twitter account of Google’s Mandiant cybersecurity service has been hacked to promote a cryptocurrency scam. It happens along with the massive spread of cryptocurrency drainer scams on different social media platforms. Mandiant has lost control of its X/Twitter account Early this morning Eastern Time, cybersecurity company Mandiant’s account on the social network X (formerly… Continue reading Mandiant Account in X Hacked to Spread Cryptocurrency Scams

Kinsta Alerts About Phishing Campaign on Google Ads

Kinsta has issued a warning regarding a wave of phishing ads impersonating the company

Kinsta, a prominent WordPress hosting provider, has issued a warning to its customers regarding a concerning new trend in cyberattacks. Cybercriminals are now leveraging Google Search Ads to promote phishing websites aimed at stealing user credentials, particularly those for Kinsta’s vital service, MyKinsta, which is used to manage WordPress and other cloud-based applications. Kinsta Phishing:… Continue reading Kinsta Alerts About Phishing Campaign on Google Ads

Google Addresses Zero-Day Vulnerability in Chrome

Google swiftly addresses critical Chrome vulnerability, urging users to update promptly.

In a recent security alert, Google has addressed a critical zero-day vulnerability in its Chrome browser and ChromeOS software, urging users to update to the latest version (119.0.6045.199). The flaw, tracked as CVE-2023-6345, allows attackers to bypass sandbox security measures by compromising the browser’s rendering process, leading to potential remote code execution or access to… Continue reading Google Addresses Zero-Day Vulnerability in Chrome

Malicious CPU-Z Copy Is Spread In Google Search Ads

Attackers are again abusing the Google Ads platform to distribute malicious advertising and Redline information stealer. This time, the ads advertised a trojanized version of the CPU-Z tool. CPU-Z Malware in the WindowsReport Page Clone Recently, a wave of malicious ads on Google Search results page offered users a Trojan-infected version of the popular CPU-Z… Continue reading Malicious CPU-Z Copy Is Spread In Google Search Ads

What is Android:TrojanSMS-PA detection?

Huawei users massively complain on the Google app being detected as Android:TrojanSMS-PA

Android:TrojanSMS-PA is a detection name from a built-in Huawei security tool. This particular name recently appeared as a detection of the Google app on Huawei devices. However, this name is not a 100% false positive, and here is why. What is Android:TrojanSMS-PA? As I said, Android:TrojanSMS-PA detection name is one of hundreds used by an… Continue reading What is Android:TrojanSMS-PA detection?

Google Is Working on an Information Security Project Called Web Integrity API

A team of four Google engineers is working on a new project called the Web Environment Integrity API, which will allow sites to block client applications that change their code. In addition to the obvious security benefits, the new API will actually allow Google and site operators to effectively deal with ad blockers. As you… Continue reading Google Is Working on an Information Security Project Called Web Integrity API

Google Creates a Red Team to Attack AI Systems

Google says it is creating a red team that will specialize in “sophisticated technical attacks on AI systems.” Among examples of such attacks, the company’s report lists prompt engineering, extracting information from LLM training data, and so on. In its report, Google highlights the importance of the AI red team, and also lists the different… Continue reading Google Creates a Red Team to Attack AI Systems

Hundreds of Military and Intelligence Agencies Uploaded Data to VirusTotal

Someone accidentially uploaded documents that contained secret information to VirusTotal

An employee of the Google-owned platform VirusTotal accidentally uploaded a file with the names, email addresses and other data of hundreds of people working in intelligence agencies and ministries of defense around the world. In particular, the list includes persons associated with the US Cyber Command, the NSA, the Pentagon, the FBI and a number… Continue reading Hundreds of Military and Intelligence Agencies Uploaded Data to VirusTotal

RepoJacking Attacks Could Threaten Millions of GitHub Repositories

Aqua researchers believe that millions of repositories on GitHub are vulnerable to an attack that allows taking over other people’s repositories and is called RepoJacking. The issue is reportedly affecting the repositories of Google, Lyft, and other major companies. Let me remind you that we also wrote that Malware in GitHub Repositories Is Spread From… Continue reading RepoJacking Attacks Could Threaten Millions of GitHub Repositories