For old school lovers: WACUP has fixed many bugs in Winamp

WACUP fixed bugs in Winamp

Bleeping Computer drew attention to an interesting project WACUP, which fixed bugs in the old school and nostalgic player Winamp. The Winamp Community Update Project (WACUP) is run by former Winamp developer Darren Owen.

In 2018, representatives of the Belgian company Radionomy Group, which has owned the legendary media player since 2014, promised that Winamp 6 would be released very soon and it would be something completely new.

It was expected that the updated media player will be able to combine audio from a variety of sources in one place, while significantly improved search functionality will play an important role in its work, and users will no longer have to switch from one player to another. They even talked about integration with Apple Music, Spotify, Google Music and other audio platforms.

Unfortunately, these plans never have been fulfilled, and the latest version of Winamp is still Winamp 5.8, dated 2018.

However, Darren Owen decided to fix it and relied on the fact that Winamp’s plugin system allows third-party developers to extend and change the program’s functionality.

One of Winamp’s strongest features is that it includes a plugin system allowing third-party developers to extend or modify the program’s functionality. These plugins can range from new visualization tools, equalizers, and ways to change media’s playback. Thus, WACUP fixes known bugs in the latest version of the original Winamp (5.66) and adds new features to use modern operating systems and services.Bleeping Computer journalists say.

In fact, when installing WACUP, a patched version of WinAMP 5.66 is installed, as well as useful project plugins.

WACUP Preview was released earlier this week. This release fixes a huge number of bugs and also introduces new features, including better integration with Windows 10, new playback options, and improved compatibility with streaming plugins.

WACUP fixed bugs in Winamp

Therefore, fans of old-school software can pamper themselves with a modern application with a late 1990s flair. The only concern is if any enthusiast would start reviving and fixing ICQ to compete with current messengers or Clubhouse.

Let me remind you that the Clubhouse user dialogs leaked to a third-party site.

By Vladimir Krasnogolovy

Vladimir is a technical specialist who loves giving qualified advices and tips on GridinSoft's products. He's available 24/7 to assist you in any question regarding internet security.

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