Pretexting in Cyber Security: Facts to Know

Fraudsters use pretexting as a sort of social engineering

Pretexting is a type of social engineering in which an attacker gains access to information, a system, or a service by deception. In doing so, the attacker provides a false script or pretext to gain the victim’s trust. For example, he may pose as an experienced investor, human resources representative, IT specialist, or another seemingly… Continue reading Pretexting in Cyber Security: Facts to Know

Most Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks

Social Engineering Attacks can bring massive profits

Intruders are developing more and more methods to get what they want. Social engineering is one of the most common methods through which fraudsters manage to deceive the user, manipulate him, and instill his fear and urgency. Once the victim is emotional, the fraudsters begin to cloud her judgment. Any human error is a vulnerability… Continue reading Most Common Types of Social Engineering Attacks