The Security Blog From Gridinsoft

vulnerability in Apache Commons Text

New Vulnerability in Apache Commons Text Is Already Being Attacked by Hackers

According to WordPress security firm Defiant, attempts have already been made to exploit a new vulnerability in Apache Commons Text…

Researchers Linked Ransom Cartel members to Famous Hack Group REvil

Experts from the Palo Alto Network analysed the Ransom Cartel hacker group’s ransomware and believe that it is very similar…

New PowerShell Backdoor Masquerades as a Windows Update

Cybersecurity experts from SafeBreach have found a new, previously undocumented and “undetectable” PowerShell backdoor, which hackers actively use and has…

Weak Block Cipher in Microsoft Office 365 Leads to Message Content Disclosure

WithSecure (formerly F-Secure Business) researchers claim that the content of encrypted messages sent through Microsoft Office 365 can be partially…

Police Swindle Decryption Keys from DeadBolt Ransomware Gang

The Dutch National Police, together with information security specialists from RespondersNU, tricked the operators of the DeadBolt encryptor into giving…

Chinese Coronavirus Detection App

Chinese coronavirus detection app transmits data to the police

Last month, Chinese authorities released the Alipay Health Code coronavirus…

Epiq Global cyberattack

Cyberattack with the use of ransomware forced Epiq Global to shut down its systems

Epiq Global, a large international law firm, has become the…

Facebook OAuth Vulnerability

Vulnerability in OAuth Protocol Allows Hacking Any Facebook Account

The vulnerability is contained in the Facebook login feature, which…

Hackers Scan Microsoft Exchange

Hackers scan network for vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers

Information security experts warn that hackers are already scanning the…

Kr00k Wi-Fi Chips Vulnerability

Kr00k Wi-Fi-chips vulnerability affects over a billion devices

At the RSA 2020 conference, ESET specialists spoke about the…

Phishing sites use SSL

Almost three quarters of modern phishing sites use SSL

Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG) experts in their new report on…

IMP4GT Vulnerability Threats Smartphones

IMP4GT Vulnerability in LTE Threatens Almost All Modern Smartphones

Experts from Ruhr University reported an IMP4GT (IMPersonation Attacks in…

WhatsApp Groups Indexes Google

Google Search Indexes WhatsApp Private Groups

Google search engine indexes invitations to WhatsApp groups (including links…

WhatsApp Phishing URLs

Number of linked with WhatsApp phishing URLs increased by 13 467%

According to Vade Secure’s report, the number of phishing URLs…

FSF sent to Microsoft HDD

FSF sent Microsoft developers an empty HDD for Windows 7 sources

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) sent Microsoft developers an empty…

Samsung amends Android kernel

Samsung amends Android kernel that impair security

Jann Horn, Google Project Zero Specialist, studied the Android kernel,…

Xhelper Trojan remains on device

Xhelper Trojan remains on the device even after resetting to factory settings

Xhelper malware continues to infect Android devices. Moreover, the Xhelper…