What is the worst computer virus? Figuring out

worst computer virus

Worst computer virus – what is it? Seems that anyone who has ever been infected asks this question. And each user will think that his case was more severe than someone’s else. Is that true? And which virus is really the worst? It is important to mention that computer viruses are not only “viruses”. Nowadays,… Continue reading What is the worst computer virus? Figuring out

Virus Protection Hints & Advices in 2023

Effective virus protection

Tired of your OS Widows behaving strangely and slowing down suddenly? I can understand the pains of removing the viruses infecting your system and then sustaining the damage done by them. According to a recent survey worldwide, malware expenses have increased up to $20 Million. Google research adds to the worries by telling us that… Continue reading Virus Protection Hints & Advices in 2023

Ransomware – Facts at The Edge of 2022

It is hard to imagine something more harmful than ransomware. Besides the danger for your files and PC, it also deals a significant damage to quite a material thing – your wallet. $500, $1000, or even $5-7k ransom for separate corporations. In this article we will talk about the modern ransomware trends, facts about the… Continue reading Ransomware – Facts at The Edge of 2022