Binance Smart Contracts Blockchain Abused in Malware Spreading
Cybercriminals appear to exploit Binance smart contracts as intermediary C2, preferring them…
This Message Seems Dangerous
Sometimes, Gmail displays a "This Message Seems Dangerous" notification alerting the user…
Lumma Stealer Spreads Via Fake Browser Updates, Uses ClearFake
Recent research uncovered a selection of websites that deploy Lumma Stealer under…
HTTPS and HTTP are constantly around us, but their difference is not…
Windows Defender Security Warning
"Windows Defender Security Warning" is a scam website that falsely claims your…
10 Ways to Protect Your Personal Data
The first hacking attacks and the realization of the danger of trusting…
Top Amazon Scams to Avoid
Because of its reliability, Amazon is a popular choice for both buyers…
Facebook Fraud: Other Dangerous Facebook Scams
Facebook is probably one of the most popular platforms for online communications.…
Paypal Scams: Most Dangerous Examples
PayPal has a reputation for being a safe and easy way to…
Top 12 Instagram Scams in 2024
Nowadays, it's hard to find someone who has not heard of Instagram.…
Microsoft Email Scam
Hackers are constantly finding new ways to infect your computer with malware…
eBay Scams
Among the vast amount of online shopping platforms, eBay stands off as…