Firefox 100 and Chrome 100 may have user-agent issues

Mozilla developers have warned that sites may experience problems with the upcoming versions of Firefox 100 and Chrome 100 (released May 3 and March 29, 2022). The fact is that the release of new versions will mean that the user-agent values will become three-digit. The user-agent string contains information such as the name of the… Continue reading Firefox 100 and Chrome 100 may have user-agent issues

The Facebook Pixel Hunt

Facebook Mozilla Firefox Facebook Pixel Hunt

Mozilla, a browser maker, these days introduced its collaboration with a non-earnings newsroom Markup. The collective efforts of companies could be directed toward studies into a selected subject of the net that regularly stays disregarded through customers, researchers and policymakers. This time beneath the scrupulous eyes of experts and newshounds the predominant social platform Facebook… Continue reading The Facebook Pixel Hunt