New Issues Found with Windows Print Spooler

Last month, cybersecurity experts inadvertently unveiled a PoC exploit for a dangerous problem related to the Windows Print Spooler service, which is a universal interface between OS, applications and local or network printers, allowing application developers to submit print jobs. As a result, an emergency patch was released for the vulnerability, which was criticized by… Continue reading New Issues Found with Windows Print Spooler

Microsoft declares that Printnightmare patch works correctly

Previously, many IS researchers warned that Microsoft’s emergency patch for a dangerous Printnightmare vulnerability was ineffective and that it did not eliminate the problem completely. Let me remind you that the experts found that even after installing the correction, vulnerability can still be operated locally to obtain System privileges. Worse, the developer Mimikatz Benjamin Delp… Continue reading Microsoft declares that Printnightmare patch works correctly

The official patch for the PrintNightmare vulnerability was ineffective

Earlier this week, Microsoft released an emergency patch for a critical PrintNightmare bug recently discovered in Windows Print Spooler (spoolsv.exe), but it was ineffective. Microsoft assigned the bug ID CVE-2021-34527, and also confirmed that the problem allows arbitrary code to be executed remotely with SYSTEM privileges and allows an attacker to install programs, view, modify… Continue reading The official patch for the PrintNightmare vulnerability was ineffective

Microsoft releases unscheduled patch for PrintNightmare vulnerability

Microsoft has prepared an emergency patch for a critical PrintNightmare bug that was recently discovered in Windows Print Spooler (spoolsv.exe). The PrintNightmare issue caused much confusion, as Microsoft initially combined two vulnerabilities under one identifier (CVE-2021-1675). But the official patch released in June only fixed part of the problem, leaving a critical RCE bug unpatched.… Continue reading Microsoft releases unscheduled patch for PrintNightmare vulnerability