Twilio Falls Victim To Phishing Attack

Twilio employees' recklessness led to a data breach

Twilio, a tech giant from San Francisco, became a victim of a phishing scam, resulting in the exposure of consumers’ data. The exact incident took place on August 4 and is likely conducted through the use of SMS phishing. Twilio Data Breach Twilio, the provider of voice and SMS notification services for various purposes, turned… Continue reading Twilio Falls Victim To Phishing Attack

Top Types of Spoofing Attacks

Spoofing is a kind of cybercrime in which attackers impersonate a trusted source, such as a trusted contact, to gain access to confidential information or steal data, whether personal or professional. In addition to threatening your data privacy, Spoofing attacks can damage the brand’s reputation or the person the attackers are impersonating, sometimes making it… Continue reading Top Types of Spoofing Attacks